#Giving Tuesday at the Palm House!

We have been having such a beautiful Fall season with our Palm House kids! Every week, we pick up about 25 neighborhood children and bring them to our house for dinner, games, lesson time and FUN! One of our favorite parts is the one-on-one interaction and small group times where we get to pour into each child on a personal level and let them know that they are seen, loved and valued!
We have gotten to talk with multiple kids and point out the gifts and talents that we see in them - many of them don’t see those things in themselves. It is such a privilege to share with them that they were created by God on purpose, for a purpose! We love seeing their faces light up as they realize it for the first time!
On other days of the week, we have the joy of prayer walking our neighborhood and opening our home to the local community. Sunday nights feel like a family gathering as we partner with local churches and other groups to provide a hot meal every week to our friends who come to Love and Care. These are just some of the highlights from our weeks!
As we reach our neighborhood and invest in the lives of those around us, we want to invite you to partner with us! On November 28th, we will be participating in Giving Tuesday! #GivingTuesday is a global giving movement in all 50 states and in countries around the world. Millions of people have come together to support and champion the causes they believe in and the communities in which they live. We have two days for getting deals – Black Friday and Cyber Monday. On #GivingTuesday, we have a day for giving back! Together, people are creating a new ritual for our annual calendar.
#GivingTuesday is the opening day of the giving season: a reminder of the “reason for the season.” Every act of generosity counts, and each gift means even more when we give together. Everyone has something to give. You can give time or expertise, monetary donations large or small, and simple acts of kindness! The first $1,000 in donations that the Palm House receives on November 28th will be matched by generous donors, so your gift will double in value! Donate through our website or contact us at 433palmhouse@gmail.com to find out ways to volunteer and serve our community with us! We can't wait to hear from you!

The kids love playing outside after lesson time and small groups! Sometimes, they even create their own plays!

Last Tuesday, all our kids were invited to a Trunk or Treat where we got to hang out with them, share candy and tell Bible stories! How fun to get to see them in different locations!

Getting to help a sweet friend with his homework! This happens on Tuesday nights or whenever he walks across the street!

Every Wednesday afternoon, we open our home to our community - come join us!