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Our Programs

Palm House Kids

Mentoring Program


Communications Group


Hang Out

Anchor 1

Palm House Kids


Twice a week during the school year, we pick up kids from the ages of elementary to high school, from around the city. We partner with college students from all three local universities to become mentors for the kids. The college students are real-life examples of what it looks like to graduate and begin pursuing dreams. Our volunteers come back semester after semester which creates meaningful connections with the kids. They eat together, do homework, and simply develop friendship through deep connection! 

Do you love kids? Do you have a few free hours to give during the week? The Palm House is looking for volunteers to pour into our kids' lives on Monday and Tuesday nights and beyond! Our goal is to have as close to a one-to-one ratio as possible between volunteers and children. We are looking for people who have a heart for kids and teens, an ability to facilitate lessons and games, and who can work well with others.


Those interested will need to pass a background check and complete a brief training on working with minors. If you or someone you know would like to volunteer or if you have further questions, call us or send us an email with the subject: Volunteer for Palm House.

Women's Communications Group

What first began as a program birthed under the Violence Against Women's Act (VAWA) has now evolved into a powerful group of women who have become more than survivors. We meet over lunch once a week and discuss topics that allow them to conquer the effects of trauma, while educating them on how to communicate effectively and how to break away from old patterns.

For more information about this group or to request the zoom link, please contact us for more information.

Anchor 2

The Table - College Ministry

We have an amazing collection of young adults who partner with us each week. We began to see a need for our college students to connect and have mentors of their own. Thus began our Sunday night hang-out time, where we invest in our college students who in turn invest in our children. We eat together, chat, listen, and give them space to grow in a home away from home. 

Anchor 3

 433 Palm St. Abilene, TX 79602    |    |    325 338 9141    |     © 2017 by The Palm House

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